Estonia, Mustamäe

Popular among residents
This has been one of our longest projects – over two months our service was used by 2663 passengers and the vehicle covered 1854 km. Our service offered the passengers a convenient transport link between supermarkets and living in the numerous apartment blocks in the area. Our shuttle was very welcomed among the elderly who used it often to go to the supermarkets and in September when the school had started, pupils were eager to make their journey back home more convenient.

Operational environment

The complexity of the environment
One day there was construction work happening on the route that the municipality did not notify us about. They added new speedbumps and we had to adjust the route map.

The project started mid-summer when the weather was mostly sunny and warm, but of course, some windier and rainy days also happened. Since we have tested our vehicle in adverse weather conditions, we were unaffected by the weather and could operate without hardships.

The project was overall a success and paves way for future cooperation as the municipality as well as the local population were happy with the service. There was much demand to either repeat the project or do something similar in the Mustamäe neighbourhood.